Meet our Coaches

Liam Patel

Motivility’s founder Liam is passionate about people and technology.

A 23-year Microsoft career, in Ireland and Silicon Valley, has driven his desire to make
others great – which is Motivility’s focus.

When Liam isn’t working, you’ll find him cycling, house exchanging or plotting and planning his next life project.

Lucia O’Riordan

Lucia joined Motivility after spending over 20 years in the wonderful world of Finance.

Thriving on working with individuals and businesses seeking to grow, Lucia draws on her extensive business experience when coaching individuals and teams alike.

Motivated by growth, she adopts a results-oriented, tailored approach for clients.

Denise Horan

A communications professional with 20 years’ experience in journalism and corporate communications, in both Ireland and abroad, Denise is passionate about connecting people with their purpose and helping them to live their best lives, personally and professionally.

With four All-Ireland Football titles, Denise is someone who will help you achieve your goals.

Des Lane

In a 30-year career with the Central Bank of Ireland, Des has held several leadership positions and amassed vast experience in organisational change, programme management, leading change and crisis management. 

With two All-Ireland Football titles – Des is passionate about helping people be the best that they can be.

PJ Owens

PJ is a Chartered Accountant with 20+ years’ experience in senior leadership roles, providing strategic insight in Pharmaceutical, Med Tech & FMCG Sales, Marketing & Distribution companies. He is passionate about team and individual development, which he delivers through a combination of coaching and mentoring.

Our Services


Great leaders help people reach their goals.

At Motivility we will help you reach yours.

Using proven Emotional Intelligence (EQ) measurements, we guide you to understanding how to build upon your strongest leadership qualities.

Throughout the process we help you to:

  • Understand your existing effectiveness.
  • Identify your signature strengths.
  • Uncover your development opportunities.
  • Develop your leadership presence.
  • Respond creatively and effectively to new opportunities.
  • Enhance your capacity to influence others to achieve productive outcomes.


Motivility coaches combine their wealth of industry experience and their passion for working with business owners to grow their companies. We match your needs with a Business Coach that has relevant experience to help you achieve.

We offer practical steps to support business success for SME’s.

We help you define the future strategy for your business and work in partnership with you to realise your ambitions.

Throughout the process we help you to:

  • Redefine your business strategy through a consultative process.
  • Adapt and flex to meet the current challenges.
  • Step out to work on your business.
  • Build a high-performance culture.
  • Raise finance to grow/refocus your business.


A Motivility Coach will see things the individual cannot see
– blind spots.

Blind spots often lead to self-limiting assumptions and barriers to progress and growth.

By creating a safe and engaging environment, we guide you through a revelatory process that can take you, your leadership or organisation to the next level.

Throughout the process we help you to:

  • Transform complexity into clarity and action.
  • Build confidence and resilience to achieve your goals.
  • Develop the skills to be at your best as a leader.
  • Transition your career and land your dream role.
  • Take back control and gain a greater work/life balance.


At Motivility we work with business owners and their teams to realise their strategic objectives through collaboration and effective communication. Our programmes are built around collective team performance using proven business models that support higher productivity and profitability.

Throughout the process we focus on:

  • Building high performance teams.
  • Collaboration in the virtual world.
  • Peer-to-peer coaching.
  • Greater accountability, both for the individual and team.
  • Innovative thinking and creation of new possibilities and new solutions.


At Motivility we understand that females face different challenges to their counterparts in the workplace.

We offer support to female-identified individuals and leaders who want to unleash their full potential with soul and purpose – to become the very best version of themselves.

Throughout the process we help you to:

  • Accelerate your career with confidence.
  • Identify and build your key strengths.
  • Build your personal brand.
  • Reflect and create your leadership strategy.
  • Resume your career with confidence and flair.


    We will help you plan and prepare your Remote Working Strategy (RWS).

    For Individuals: while safeguarding your work-life balance, we will help you examine what works best for you, and how it can fit within company policy.

    For Businesses: we will help you create a remote friendly culture, using the proven benefits of Behavioural Economics.

    Throughout the process we help you with:

      • Responding effectively to this new norm, the future of work.
      • Optimal collaborative approaches through EQ & TQ.
      • Remote: Pre-Boarding | On-Boarding | Re-Boarding.
      • Employee feedback mechanisms.
      • The importance of and taking care of mental health.
      • Uncovering weak spots.

    Meet Some Clients


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