Liam Patel

Liam Patel

Liam’s studies gave him a University of Ireland Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science. After mistaking an ‘Assembly Operator’ newspaper advertisement for ‘Assembler Programming’, he ended up working on the early Microsoft assembly lines in Dublin – packaging early boxes of Windows 3.1. Little did he realise he was working on a product that would shape the history of world computing as we know it. The rest, as they say, is history.

Using his qualification, he negotiated his way into a QA Test role within the company, moving quickly to a Test Automation Engineer role. When the opportunity to move to Silicon Valley came his way, he jumped at it, spending four years at their flagship campus as a Team Manager. After moving back to Ireland, he led a multi-disciplinary department, ranging from project managers to lab services, in-house tool development, scrum teams and services.

A consistent theme throughout Liam’s career was a passion for people and their success. This led to recent roles in Organisational Development and HR Business Partnering. Liam has always been able to complement his passion for technology with an equally strong interest in all things people related.

With a CIPD award in Coaching, Mentoring and Consulting (NCI) and a Professional Diploma in Executive Coaching (IMI/UCC), he founded Motivility to provide coaching-related services to all. Liam is a member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) and a RocheMartin ECR© practitioner.

When he isn’t working, you’ll find him cycling the highways and by-ways around Dublin and surrounding counties, house exchanging around the globe or plotting and planning his next personal life project with his wife Aileen and their three children.

Executive, Career, Company Culture & Life/Personal Coaching
– with particular knowledge of the Software Development Sector.