Legacy: 15 Lessons in Leadership

© James Kerr (2013)

Lucia O’Riordan – Shares her thoughts on James Kerr’s book.


 NOVEMBER 30, 2020 | 5 MINS READ

While undertaking an IMI Leadership Programme a few years ago, I was introduced to James Kerr’s book – “Legacy”. It became one of my favourites and a book I revisit repeatedly.

There are no less than 𝟭𝟱 guiding principles of the ALL BLACKS documented in the book. The methods they developed have led to an exceptionally high-performance culture and provide an inspiring and effective model for business leaders.

As an avid rugby fan with a passion for coaching leaders, I thoroughly believe that these 𝟭𝟱 principles can be adopted by leaders seeking to create the right environment for their teams and businesses to flourish.


My Key Takeaways…


1. Character

Never be too big to do the small things that need to be done.

Character begins with humility.

Performance = Capability + Behavior.

A values-based, purpose-driven culture is a foundation of the All Blacks’ approach and sustained success.


2. Adapt

When you’re on top of your game, change your game. Make a case for

change, provide a compelling picture of the future, sustain the capability to change,

and create a credible plan to execute.


3. Purpose

Ask ‘Why?’ Create an environment that stimulates others and influences

them to want to take part in it.


4. Responsibility

Leaders create leaders by passing on responsibility, creating

ownership, accountability and trust.


5. Learn

Leaders are teachers and learners. Create an environment that delivers the

opportunity for personal growth and professional development.


6. Whanau

Follow the spearhead. A flock of birds flying in formation is 70 percent

more efficient than flying solo. One of the first steps in developing a high performance

culture is to select on character.


7. Expectations

Aim for the highest cloud. We learn best – and change – from hearing

aspirational stories that resonate with us.


8. Preparation

Practice under pressure to enable self-trust and enable the abilities to

maintain clarity, situational awareness, accurate analysis, and good decision-making.


9. Pressure

Control your attention. Bad decisions are not made through a lack of skill

or innate judgment. They are made because of an inability to handle pressure at the

pivotal moment.


10. Authenticity

Keep it real through a strong identity and trust in the sense of safe

vulnerability – while exercising honesty and integrity.


11. Sacrifice

Find something you would die for and give your life to it.


12. Language 

Sing your world into existence. We are ‘meaning’ making machines,

interpreting and reinterpreting a sequence of events into a narrative form and

re-assembling at will.


13. Ritual 

Create a culture. ‘Ritualize to actualize’ by telling your story, involving your

people, and creating a legacy – while making the intangible real.


14. Whakapapa

Plant trees you’ll never see by being a good ancestor.


15. Legacy 

This is your time to make a purposeful contribution.